WooCommerce Testing

What We Test

Our automated tests cover key WooCommerce functionalities to ensure your site performs as expected. Here are the primary areas we focus on:

  1. Product Pages
    • Verifying product details (name, price, description).
    • Testing add-to-cart functionality.
  2. Cart and Checkout
    • Ensuring items added to the cart appear correctly.
    • Testing the checkout process (billing/shipping details, payment methods).
    • Confirming order submission and redirection to the order confirmation page.
  3. Email Notifications
    • Checking that at least one confirmation emails is sent and received.

How It Works

1. Initial Setup

When you first set up CheckView, you will need to integrate our service with your WooCommerce site. This process includes:

  • Installing the CheckView Plugin: Install and activate our plugin on your WordPress site.
  • Connecting Your Site: Use the API key provided in your CheckView.io account to connect your site with our service.

2. Test Configuration

After the initial setup, you can configure the tests according to your specific needs:

  • Select Test Scenarios: Choose from our WooCommerce predefined test scenarios including add to cart or full checkout.
  • Set Test Frequency: Determine how often tests should be run (e.g., daily, weekly).
  • Notification Preferences: Set up how and when you want to receive notifications about test results.

3. Running Tests

Once configured, CheckView will automatically run tests based on your settings:

  • Simulated User Interactions: Our system simulates user interactions, such as browsing products, adding items to the cart, and completing the checkout process.
  • Dynamic Data Handling: Tests can handle dynamic data inputs, ensuring they adapt to changes in product listings, prices, and other variables.
  • Payment Methods: Different payment methods can be tested. WooCommerce payment testing is only available using our predefined’ full checkout’ test flow and supports the following payment methods currently:
    • Stripe Credit Card Payments using your own Stripe test keys in test mode
    • CheckView Test Payment Gateway, a dummy Woo payment method that does not connect to any payment gateway API

4. Analyzing Results

After each test run, CheckView provides detailed results:

  • Test Reports: Access comprehensive test reports that highlight any issues detected during testing.
  • Screenshots and Logs: View screenshots and logs for failed tests to help diagnose and resolve issues.
  • Automated Alerts: Receive automated alerts via email or other communication channels if critical issues are detected.

Note: Live credit card numbers should never be used in your CheckView custom test flows.